Thrive Block Print Dishtowel
With a super-absorbent waffle-weave texture, Thrive Block Print Dishtowels are preshrunk and prewashed, making them delightfully soft. The hand-applied block printed designs add to the appeal of these medium-weight kitchen towels. Handmade block printing stems from a rich history in India textiles that's passed down from generation to generation, being one of the oldest artisanal traditions. Each woodblock used is hand-carved and stamped in ink to be applied to the fabric to create an interwoven design. The 28" l x 18" w dishtowel is machine washable in cold water.
Features of the Danica Heirloom Thrive Block Print Dishtowel include:
- 100% cotton, absorbent, waffle-weave towel
- Indian block-printed Thrive floral design
- Machine washable cold
- Made in India
- 28" l x 18" w